Well, I'm back! For today, at least. The weather is getting temperate enough that I can wear a tie and walk to work (1.6 miles, as it turns out) without feeling miserable by the time I arrive, so I jumped back in today with a Verner Panton-inspired tie from IMM. Panton was what first sprang to my mind; on the other hand, a colleague took one look at me today and said, "Viva Las Vegas!" The tie does indeed have the shapes of poker chips and the colors of playing cards, so I think he called this one better than I did. (Please pardon the quality of the picture, I am still adjusting to a new camera that takes huge pictures, and new photo editing software (GIMP) that is not the same as what I am used to.)
Over on the music blog: Zillatron, Flight of the Conchords, Simon Shaheen, and more.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
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