Today's tie had to do double duty: work, and the
Bauhaus concert! This 60s-era tie by Elite of Venezia (that's Venice, It'ly) is suitably versatile, with plenty of funereal black complemented by a putrescent green. The pattern looks like
wrought iron, in a mode that could be either gothic or decadent
art nouveau, either of which would be appropriate. A green shirt and black pants and sportcoat completed my Business Gothic outfit. But the
concert--amazing! Having seen all the band members separately (Peter Murphy solo, Daniel Ash and Kevin Haskins in Tones On Tail, and... well, I guess I'd never seen David J. before), this was my first time seeing them all together. They played all the old favorites (no surprises, they're doing the same set on every date of the tour), they played them excellently--they have not gotten sloppy at all, in fact they play better now than ever--and they looked incredible! All four guys are fiftyish now, but they look the same as always, with not even a spare tire in the bunch. I hope I look that good at fifty! They are as timeless as their music. After they left the stage we all knew they would be back, since we were all wondering, "Is Bela Lugosi dead?" After a few minutes they came back out and confirmed that yes, indeed, he is dead, to our collective rapture. And after leaving the stage again they came back for three more songs! What joy! What an evening!